Annisa Dian N
Top 10 List of Week 06
Annisa Dian Nugrahani --- Depok

Top 10 List of Week 06

  1. Creating new processes with fork()
    This video contains explanation about fork and how does it work. There are also some demos to see how to use it. Few jokes make this video a little more interesting, and even though it’s only 6 minutes long, the main idea is delivered well.

  2. Understanding Zombie Processes
    Still a video from the previous channel on a different topic, here we have zombie process. He explained what is zombie processes, zombie problems, how we use it, how we solve it, and so on, as well as their illustrations with lego(s).

  3. What is a semaphore? How do they work?
    Many people said that semaphores are super flexible and a little weird. This video provide some insight into how they work, and an example of where we could use semaphores to coordinate different processes.

  4. Simple Shared Memory in C (mmap)
    This one tells us how to share memory between two computer programs. The speaker said that it has baffled many programmers over the years, and this video shows us one way to set it up using mmap.

  5. How to create and join threads in C (pthreads)
    This video will help us get started using pthreads—the most commonly-used almost-universal-standard for writing computer programs that can work on multiple things concurrently.

  6. Safety and Speed Issues with Threads. (pthreads, mutex, locks)
    Threads come with some challenges. This video talks about some of those challenges, like race conditions, and how to keep things sane using synchronization primitives like mutex locks. I think the explanations and examples are good, also a little illustration could help us understand more.

  7. Concurrency vs. Parallelism
    My first impression about this video is that the speaker is funny:D He explained it by connecting the context with our daily activities (and (lots of) jokes) to illustrate what really happened in concurrency and parallelism so that we could differentiate them.

  8. Multitasking vs Multithreading vs Multiprocessing
    Modern operating systems support multitasking (mainly preemptive multitasking), multithreading and multiprocessing (including symmetric multiprocessing and heterogeneous multiprocessing). But what are they? Are they different? What do software engineers need to know about these different paradigms? Find out in this video!

  9. Quizlet : Quiz for OS
    I thought that it’s discussing about OS in general, but turns out that mostly are related to our topic of this week. They provide many features to study, such as flashcards (key points of the topics), learn (like a test but with an explanation), write (writing test), spell (type what we heard), and test (real test, contains matching, multiple choice, T/F). Not only that, there are also mini games called match and gravity! Anyway I think this site is cool! You must try it too!

  10. Program, Interrupted - Computerphile
    In daily life interruptions are annoying, but in computing they’re essential. This video explains it using an Arduino and also some illustrations.

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