Annisa Dian N
Top 10 List of Week 02
Annisa Dian Nugrahani --- Depok

Top 10 List of Week 02

  1. Cybersecurity 101
    This video contains a brief explaination of cybersecurity with animation to help us understand. They tell us that the internet is fundamentally insecure and how it became like that without us knowing it.

  2. Cybersecurity: Crash Course
    This time it’s still about cybersecurity in general but with further explaination and also about some strategies to keep our information safe, but also as accessible as possible, and prevent us from several kinds of attacks.

  3. Ask The Tech Guy: Public Key Crypto
    Moving on to public key, here we could know what public-key cryptography is, how is it important, and how the encryption works explained end-to-end.

  4. Why Do People Create Computer Viruses?
    Honestly I always wondering why do people create computer viruses though they know that it’s definitely not a good thing. Are they doing it to make money? or maybe to tease people? or just for fun? And who’s the one who created it?

  5. The Anatomy of Ransomware
    Ransomware is a type of malware that hold computer as hostage and usually intend to ask the victim for money. This video explains through a demo of how ransomware victimizes unsuspecting users and how cyber criminals use the internet to piece together ransomware to create cryptocode.

  6. Do You Really Need Antivirus Software?
    This is maybe one of the frequently asked question when we talk about preventation of computer viruses. Is using antivirus automatically protect our computer? How importance antivirus is? and what will happen if we don’t have antivirus software?

  7. Authentication, Authorization, and Encryption
    This web tells us about the definitions, implementations, and examples about those three. To help us understand, they relate their explaination to our daily lives and lastly the real example that are used by computers.

  8. 3 Types of Access Control
    Like the title, it’s about types of access control along with the descriptions, benefits, how it works, and how to choose the type of access control that is the most suitable for us.

  9. The Rise of Ad Blockers: Should Advertisers Be Panicking?(!!)
    People can be easily iritated by lots of ads when they surf on the internet and maybe that is the reason why they installed ad blockers, beside to prevent viruses. So if many people installed it, then are all of the ads really blocked? and does the owner not get any money?

  10. Computer Viruses Cartoons and Comics
    Just want to relax and suddenly got this web. It contains cartoons and comics about computer viruses and more jokes about it. It’s quite entertaining:D

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